Is labor near?

FTM here haha obviously I know there’s no way of really knowing for sure and baby will come when baby wants to come but I am just a little on edge as to when baby might be coming! I have a cervical check about 5 days ago and was only a fingertip dilated but she said baby was definitely getting lower in my pelvis. Since then, I have been extremely more uncomfortable. I keep getting sharp stabbing pains in my upper abdomen, so much heart burn and acid reflux, vomiting and nausea, and lots and lots of Braxton Hicks and cramping. TMI, but While I haven’t had any “loose” stools, I’ve also felt the constant urge to go to the bathroom and have BM at least 3 or 4 times a day 😂 I haven’t really experienced nesting lately, and instead find it very hard to get out of bed and sleep through most of the day. are these signs labor might be near? I am just hoping the extreme new discomforts are at least positive in some way but have obviously never experienced labor before so am unsure what symptoms really mean something and which ones are just unfortunate lol