Crib Sleep


My LO has only taken a few naps in her crib. She refused to sleep in anything but the swing (her doctor is aware and doesn't see it as a big concern yet as they believe she may have some reflux).

She will be 12 weeks on Thursday & I start working from home again tomorrow (Weds). We are waking up sometimes 3-4 times a night etc. . however, when the last time we tried the crib at night, she screamed off and on for almost 4 hours (with reswaddling, diaper changes and feeding) before she finally fell asleep for 1.5 hours and we gave up and put her in the swing.

My husband works third shift, so that leaves me with the LO at night & after my two year old goes to sleep, I am mentally drained.

We use a radio & white noise as well, I have a mobile with a projector, I swear I've tried it all and nothing works. . Anyone have any suggestions? I swear it seemed so much easier with my first.