Dog barking, what would you do??


Alright to start I honestly think I'm a fairly chill neighbor, I don't complain and try to be patient as I have 3 kids myself and just get it..

Well we just got some new upstairs neighbors, like within the last couple weeks lol. (the neighbors before were loud as hell, and I never complained) These neighbors are also fairly loud walkers but again I'm not going to sit and complain, I'm sure my downstairs neighbors think we are loud as well, it is an apartment thing and I totally get it.

Well tonight since right before 9pm (at 9 I started paying attention to the time) their dog has been barking it is now 10:40pm (the dog isn't barking non-stop, but it's been going on for over an hour and it seems to be a few barks every few mins, then I'll think the dog is done but then it will start back up again) So what would you do?? Go up there and ask for them to keep the dog quiet or just put in a noise complaint to the office tomorrow?

My upstairs neighbor put in a couple noise complaints on us a few weeks ago (before she moved) she was thinking the roofers were us 😂 at first I was annoyed she didn't talk to me first since it wasn't us but at the same time, she was dumb enough to mistake her downstairs neighbors for the roofers twice! And our office is fairly chill as well, they'll inform you of the noise complaint and ask you to work on it or what have you.

So now I don't know what would be best, knocking on the new neighbors door at 10:40pm to tell them I'm losing patiences with the barking or leave it alone for the night and go talk to the office tomorrow?

Ugh! I don't want to be "that" neighbor, but I'm having a hard time with the continued barking. I also hate any type of confrontation and like I said I just don't know what to do!

*Also scrolling through the RANT section and all the other dog barking posts are not mine!! 😂😂*

Apparently there is something in the water for dogs right now! Haha 🤷‍♀️