Am I wrong? Racist father. Please comment.

Long post. But please . I need advice. My father and I were always very close. My father is very sick and has been for years now.He was my best friend and my only stable/reliable parent. He was a good father to me. When I was 18 I started dating my boyfriend. We fell in love. We really are soulmates. He’s my whole world and he is the best man. He is the type of man you see in love movies. We been together for 4 years and we just had our first baby in February. My son is now 6 months. My boyfriend is black. My father is a racist man. He always been. It is horrible. My boyfriend knew this and was civil with my father ( my boyfriend wanted to keep leave which I told him we didn’t need to speak to my father anymore). When my son was 4 weeks old my father and I got into a fight because my grandma (my fathers mom) was leaving my her house instead of giving it to my father. He hated this idea. He called my boyfriend and my baby the n word. Told me I was a piece of shit and told me I was dead to him. I completely stopped speaking to him. I haven’t spoken to him and I never plan to again. I don’t want to. I refuse. The last few months we talked badly behind my back and continued bad mouthing my boyfriend on multiple occasions. Which gave me more and more reasons to cut all ties with him. I knew from the start one day of it was a few weeks, months and even a year from now he would start to miss me. I knew he would realize he was wrong and one day he would miss me. My aunt called me today and told me that my father misses me and that I was wrong for not talking to him and not forgiving him. She told me that he’s getting sicker and he’s depressed. I bluntly told her that I don’t care and I have nothing to do with him nor will I ever. I do not think I am wrong. The type of person I am I just need reassurance. I don’t have many friends and I want to ask someone’s opinion outside that doesn’t know us personally. I’m just looking for advice. Please no judgment. I have no intentions into forgiving him.” and I will never speak to him ever again.

Advice please

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