I feel annoying to my gynecologist


I feel like I see this man every few months. It started with my PCOS diagnosis a year ago. I was put on metformin and had my metformin check up to see how if it was helping or not helping and it was (I lost 70lbs) then I had an IUD inserted. Then I found out my ex of 7 years cheated and gave me and STI so he tested and treated that for me. Then I saw him at my annual and during my pelvic exam he found a huge cyst and then dealt with that. And then finally I had a long period when I didn’t have to go see him, then I developed BV. Went to see him, got that taken care of.

I have a new partner and thought I had another STI all over again and got tested but it was just BV which thank god was just as easy to get rid of. That was literally 2 weeks ago.

Now I am having the same pain again that I did last time when I had a large cyst.

I know PCOS and an IUD are a bad idea, but I can’t do any other form of birth control. I have tried them all, it was ALL HELL until I found the IUD. I also have suspected endometriosis(but he won’t do surgery until I’m TTC) and the IUD helps control the massive amount of bleeding I have. Before the IUD my period would last up to 14 days with horrific pain and extremely heavy bleeding until I would become anemic and sick. The only problem is, I think it’s making me develop these large cysts which would be different if they really didn’t cause any issue but pain here and there but my last one was hemorrhagic and ruptured and I bled out into my internal organs and spent 5 hours in the ER being shot up with morphine.

I have always had PCOS like it doesn’t just pop out of nowhere, I have seen my polycystic ovaries on ultrasound before I even had my IUD. But only after the IUD is when I started to develop large problematic cysts.

So I want to make yet ANOTHER APPOINTMENT to see if this is really a cyst which will include another pelvic exam and ultrasound and if it’s another large hemorrhagic cyst I’m having it surgically removed because I’m not willing, at ALL to experience another cyst rupture. I wasn’t willing to have surgery last time and paid the consequences.

This is just a little rant of how I’m literally up my gynecologists ass because my reproductive organs are high maintenance as hell and feel annoying