Dreams can be so nice and reality can be so cruel😕

I was having the best dream ever, it felt so real.. I was at the doctor for a check up and they pushed in my stomach then did an ultrasound. They said your pregnant with twin!! I was so excited but then I woke up and reality hit that it was all just a fucking dream😞.... My husband and I have been struggling to conceive for a long time. I don’t mean months with I mean YEARS.. I’m 31 and my husband is 35 and I feel honestly at this point I should just give up trying.. I know there’s other ways getting pregnant or, having children in general but there’s still that selfish part of me that wants to have a mine me/mini husband you know?! Ironically I’ve always wanted to have twins 1 boy 1 girl and be done. Reality you’re a cruel bitch🥺...Anyway sorry for the rant 😕