Infertility Struggle W/ My Boyfriend

Emily • Florida 🌴|| Makeup 💄 || Photography 📷

I want to post this to see everyone’s opinion on what I should do in your POV of my situation with my boyfriend. Please be respectful. I just feel very alone and unsure of the next step I should take.

I was diagnosed with PCOS back in April 2020 and have a decent hormonal imbalance and cystic ovaries. I talked to my boyfriend and about it and he was very supportive and understanding from the very beginning. A couple months went by and things began to worsen. I found out I also have Endometriosis and is affecting my fertility a lot. I cried many many nights about this and told my boyfriend about it and he was just as devastated. He decided to promise me that, if things began to worsen even more, we would begin to start trying for a baby. In July 2020, I got an ultrasound and was told that my ovaries were similar to those of someone in there mid to late 30s, and that by the time we decide to start trying, it will be extremely difficult to nearly impossible. Minding you, I am 21. My Gynecologist recommended to either start fertility treatments in order to conceive or to freeze my eggs. At the moment, freezing my eggs isn’t really an option for me due to some other circumstances happening in my life. So the logical answer in my view is to start trying. I decided to speak to my boyfriend about the severity of my situation and to ask if it would be okay to start trying now. He told me no, point blank. He mentioned to me that he would rather have us be told that we will not be able to conceive at all, although it would break his heart, than have a child now. I understand, in a sense, where he’s coming from because we’re in our early 20s and this is our “prime time” to live life and have fun. But us as partners and lovers, life is stirring us a different path. I decided to mention maybe considering a Sperm Donor instead if he doesn’t feel ready have a child biological of his own. He told me and I quote “If you decide to get a sperm donor, I believe this is where our chapter will end.” In short, he decided that if I got a sperm donor, he would break up with me. This broke my heart completely. His reasoning for not wanting a sperm donor is that it would be equivalent to if he were to have cheated on me with another girl, have gotten the girl pregnant and had the baby, and now is raising the child on his own. That it would be a constant reminder of when he cheated on me. This confused and angered me because it’s not the same situation at all. It would all go through a sperm bank so I wouldn’t know who the person is nor have sex with them let alone meet them. I would only have a description of the person, and possibly a description of who they are, such as interest, career, education, athleticism, etc. What also confused me was that he mentioned that it would be completely fine and okay if it were to happen unexpectedly. What makes it so different if it were to have been planned rather than unexpected? I understand it’s a very hard and tricky situation to be put in but personally I feel as if he’s being selfish and not very considerate on the severity of this. We both have talked about marriage and having kids and know for sure that it is something we both really want. But now, it’s like he forgot the promise he made back when I first got diagnosed. I don’t know what to do. I want to make it work with him because I love him and see him as my future husband and the father to my children but at the end of the day I can’t force him into this. I want to come up with a solution that will benefit the both of us but it’s like he doesn’t even want to work with me. Right now, whatever the decision we make, I just see either one of us or us both becoming miserable/resentful of one another. What do you guys think I should do? I hate to put him in the situation, let alone go through it myself but I just don’t know anymore.