

Good afternoon,

I am 24 and I am currently going through a major rough patch in my life. I am severely depressed and in an unhealthy relationship. I ask him all the time does he want to do anything with me, and his reply is always about the money. Sometimes I even try and set things up for us and then he gets mad and says he has to plan everything. He says he hates talking to me, planning things with me, etc. I’m trying to keep my head up through all of this but I feel myself needing more from him. I am not saying I am perfect and there’s a lot that I could work on but I really am struggling. I look how happy all my friends look with their significant others and how happy and healthy their relationships are and I’m so jealous. So jealous, I have stopped going around my friend because her relationship is so healthy and I just feel like a failure in mine. It’s not her fault that she gets to experience that love but I have never had a relationship that was healthy and I’ve been in this domestic relationship has been 3 years. I just want to be able to beat this relationship funk that I’m in. Am I a bad friend because of this? What can I do to try and make my relationship healthy? I feel like I’m losing my mind.