I just can't

Last night my husband came out of the kitchen screaming that he made a huge mess... I'm thinking "ok then clean it up" but I go in there and he says "I'm not cleaning it up because it's never good enough for you".

Every night I have to stay up till 4 am just to clean up after him because if I don't he leaves a sink of dishes behind.

Fast forward to today, comes home slams the door and starts screaming at us that he was extorted by the cops. Aka he got a ticket for speeding and thinks he shouldn't have got the ticket. My sweet 7 yr old wants to be a cop when he grows up and having my husband scream all night about how terrible cops are is just killing me and makes me want to cry because I dont want my kiddos dreams crushed. Now they are in bed and he is still screaming at me about how the "mafia" is after him and is extorting him and I am just a sheeple and on and on and on......

Guys I need someone to advise me...help me...I wanna run away but I can't leave my kiddos here. And before anyone says leave him and take the kids he has made it clear if I go he will make sure I will not get the kids because I am unemployed and cannot support them alone.

Also since typing this I am now being yelled at because he has to pay taxes to have prisoners behind bars and he thinks that extorts him too. Because all they do is get to sit in there and play on the internet. While he has to pay bills and on and on...

I am exhausted.