This is seriously pissing me off

You wanna know what makes me angry? What’s little, and shouldn’t really make me angry? But DOES????

I’m taking online courses where I watch video lessons and take tests at the end of them. I had to re-do a whole course because I didn’t know that you had to click “complete lesson” at the end of every lesson. There shouldn’t be a “next” option if this is freaking mandatory.

Another thing about it is, the video could literally be thirty seconds long but I am required to sit there for 5 minutes for each video. You can’t click “complete lesson” until that 5 mins is up. If I so much as breathe or lock my phone it will refresh and that 5 mins start over. I can’t click out of the tab, view another app or something. I HAVE to sit there with this tab open for 5 minutes or it will just freeze the time.

ANOTHER THING. So for some of the courses the videos are just entirely unavailable but you STILL have to sit there with your phone unlocked, staring at that screen for 5 mins up to 24 times. What should be something that takes me a few hours to do has taken me over a WEEK because I wasn’t catching onto the fact that it wasn’t registering as completed SIMPLY because I didn’t click “complete lesson.” Instead, I clicked “next” and also didn’t realize that I had to stare at the screen for 5 mins each lesson no matter how short the actual lesson was.

I can take the test and pass with 100% but it’s not valid until I sit and stare at my unlocked phone for 5 mins 599 times

That website really needs to get it’s freaking crap together. CECPD Needs to get it’s crap together because I am only passing these courses due to the fact that I’ve been in daycare all of my life and 99% so far has been common knowledge

I borrow my boyfriends lap top but the unavailable videos are still unavailable and I still have to sit there for five fucking minutes for each lesson and cannot click out of them or it will freeze the time