4 month old waking up thru the night! Help!


My baby has been pretty good about sleep since he was about 6 weeks. He usually slept from 8pm till about 7am with just one feeding around 12am, which was a dream for me! I didn’t have to train him or anything, he just got into that schedule by himself. But a few weeks ago, around his 3 month sleep regression, I noticed him waking up almost every other hour at night, but he would take a pacifier and go back to sleep so fine. But it seems the regression ended but now he’s in a habit crying a few times a night for a pacifier and now, when he wakes up at 4am, he demands milk and won’t just sleep with a pacifier! And he also pushed him own bedtime back til about 11pm and if I put him to sleep before then, he just thinks it’s a nap and wakes up after 30-40 minutes! Has anyone else experienced this or is it just my baby!? Losing my mind thinking about what I’m doing wrong!! 😭🥵🥵