Over life rant

I have been so incredibly stressed out with everything recently. I’m applying to grad school, volunteering at places, just moved in to a new apartment, doing research and balancing a job on top of all that. Everything lately has been tipping me over the edge, I had some really difficult clients at work yesterday, I lost my purse, I lost one of my pets etc etc. Well today was the full tipping point for me. I got ready to go to work and… my car is gone. I can’t even cry anymore, i’m past the point of crying. I’m just d o n e. It’s my stupid birthday weekend and I have one thing after another knocking me down over and over again. I really can’t take anymore. I stupidly decided to treat myself yesterday and get my nails done for the first time in years but now i regret it because lord knows where my car is and the state it’s in and now i’m going to need every penny that I don’t even have. My hours have been getting cut at work because it’s been slow so i’m already tight on money and then with me moving into a new place it’s like seriously? the universe is going to choose now to make money slow? I used to be so incredibly suicidal growing up and life reminds me everyday why that was a good option for me and makes me irritated that I didn’t fucking do it. I can’t keep getting knocked down like this at some point i’m not going to get up.

happy 21st to me i guess