3 months 2 weeks PP, EBF & on the mini pill and have a very faint positive :/


Anyone know if this is an evap or extremely faint positive??

I’m on the mini pill because I’m ebf

I had what I thought was a period just at 8.5/9 weeks pp right after I started my pills. 

I took a test two weeks ago and it was a hard negative. 

Last week we had sex and after I bled for about two hours and thought it was my period starting again but I put a tampon in and it was dry 2 hours later. 

I’m on the list to get my tubes tied and although it will be extremely hard I know we’ll make it work but I’m praying so hard it’s a evap line. 

One pic is the Dollarama test and the other pic is First Response. 

Also took a rapid FRER this evening and it was a strong negative so I guess I’ll wait a few more days and check. 

Can a FRER test have a pink coloured evap line?