Please help 🙋‍♀️😩😩😩

I don’t understand why my temps have been soo high these last two nights. My post ovulatory temps are usually 98-98.4 and the past two nights they were 98.85 and 99. (For reference I use an armband thermometer.)

Granted, I did have a few drinks closer to bedtime than normal the past two nights, I’m also wondering if I might be fighting a cold and had a fever or something. A small part of me is scared of being pregnant but I literally didn’t have sex at all this cycle until 6-7 days after ovulation (admittedly, I did give a blow job close to ovulation,

but I HAD MY PANTS ON so it’s not like sperm could’ve squirmed their way anywhere). I guess I’m just looking for reassurance. Has this ever happened to anyone?? Do I need to replace my thermometer?