Feeling pretty guilty and bad

I feel so bad right now. I put in my head girl from before I was pregnant and looked up those different theories like shettles which I know is only 50:50 anyway, but now that I’m pregnant I feel shitty that I ever looked it up and “tried” a bit for girl. If I have a boy I’ll be so happy as long as baby is healthy. I just feel like a bad future mom. I only want what God wants for us and now I feel like is God mad at me for looking up that theory and trying it? The reasons I had that I was leaning for girl I now realize isn’t that big of a deal. Like girls stay with you and boys when they marry leave you etc. I only have a sister and maybe that’s also a reason. Also we are not finding out the gender so I feel like if it was really a big deal to me I would want to know ASAP and I don’t. Thanks for taking the time to write me.