Baby Shower

My baby shower is Saturday (we are throwing it ourselves because we didn’t really have anyone to throw it for us) and none of our friends have purchased anything from our registry. Our friend group ranges from 22-32 on average. When I talked to my significant other he mentioned he originally didn’t know you were supposed to bring a gift to a baby shower and he found out the purpose of a baby shower a few years ago (he hasn’t been to any before and he was under the impression they were typically female only so I get why he didn’t realize it right away). I asked him if his friends are of the same mind set and he said he wasn’t sure. I’m worried most people will come without a gift which makes me sound super selfish and greedy I know, I feel guilty for even worrying about it but I’ve put quite a decent amount of money into this shower and I feel like it’s common sense to bring something. I’m worried this is just going to be me essentially catering to our friends instead of a baby shower.