telling someone I would like effort from them!!

I had a friend last week tell me to go to him and be his , I asked if he was being for real and he said yes so I was I’ll go at first he didn’t believe me & he asked me again and I said I’m being for real . so we planned it out for September 10th-13th .

I would keep texting him in hopes of keeping up a conversation but he was being dry so I just left him on delivered . He still watches all my stories , it’s been 4 days that I left him on delivered .

I’m not trying to ghost him at first I never responded bc he was being dry and I didn’t like it & now I haven’t responded bc I’m not sure if he wants to communicate like how I want to & bc I left him on delivered for so long I feel bad :( . Our vibe is so good in person but over text is so bad so I don’t want to stress over it.

How can I tel him I never meant to “ghost him” or leave him on delivered for so long. Also that I would like for us to have communication up until the trip . I would like to see some effort from him if he really wanted us to date bc on the trip when I asked what his plans would be for us he said show me around and go on dates .