TTC Husband obsessed with having a boy


My husband and I are TTC our second child. We’ve been trying for about 6 months now. He’s a wonderful person and an amazing father but I sometimes feel he’s taking this having a boy thing too seriously. Our first is a girl and I remember him being incredibly disappointed when we found out her gender. He read that if a women orgasms it greatly improves the chance of conceiving a boy. So now I have to orgasm every time we have sex. Problem is it doesn’t happen every time for me. Sometimes I just can’t get there. The last time this happened he pushed me aside and said “we’ll I guess we’re done then.” He got really upset at me and we had a huge fight because I refuse to be treated like that. I told him that if he keeps acting like this then I don’t want to have anymore kids with him. He hasn’t talked to me since. Am I overreacting or is this a weird obsession. All I want is a healthy baby. Who cares what the gender is.