Am I the only one who thinks the debate over the covid vaccine is getting taken too far?

BOTH sides, in my opinion, seem a little extreme.

A lot of people who are against it spreading incorrect/exaggerated stories to scare others not to get it. Believing and spreading every ridiculous conspiracy theory about the vaccine. Ridiculing or putting down those who choose to get vaccinated.

Those who choose not to get it being put at risk of losing their jobs, not being allowed at certain places, and other “penalties/restrictions”. Which I do understand, but I also feel for those who go through these things. I think their feelings are valid too (unless based off of obviously-false info or lack of independent research of course)

I have seen toxic family members berate, push, threaten, and bully to get other family members to get vaccinated. I chose not to because of breastfeeding for a few months and my family alienated my baby and I. Meanwhile, my brother has lost friends because he chose to get vaccinated. I just feel like people are getting SOO crazy.

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Posted at
People are definitely getting ruthless lately with their vaccination opinions. I’m almost to the point that I want to delete all social media and just isolate so I don’t have to hear it anymore! I’m vaccinated but I still believe it should be a choice, nobody should be FORCED and I honestly don’t care if someone around me isn’t vaccinated. People don’t understand that you can have a different opinion than someone without coming for their throats 🙄


Taylor • Aug 27, 2021
We can agree to disagree 🤷🏼‍♀️


St • Aug 27, 2021
Literally nobody is being forced, they are just suffering the consequences of their bad decisions.


bl • Aug 26, 2021


Posted at
Ohh you mean there are consequences for your choices? What a novel concept. I don't feel sorry for them.


Posted at
I think the reasons people are passionate about haven’t gone too far, but people are getting offended a lot quicker than I think is necessary


Posted at
I just posted something on my Facebook the other day that I shared that was related to if we let them push these vaccines where we have no choice but to take them that we will be losing our rights just put in other words. My fiance's aunt got on there belittling my parenting skills and calling me ignorant and how she feels bad for my sons because they have a ignorant mother all because I have a different point of view then hers. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. But it's not okay to attack somebody over what that opinion is. I see both sides too and I completely understand the fear that a lot of people have about coming in contact with it or somebody who is positive or so on but a vaccine does not stop you from getting it it just builds your body up to prepare for it so you'll have less of the symptoms that you would normally have had your body come in contact naturally with it. I'm not pro or anti I'm freedom for all our body our choice our children's body our choice. As of what goes in to us should always 100% be a choice not mandatory.


St • Aug 27, 2021
And you’re so stuck being wrong that everything you’re saying is irrelevant


Dea • Aug 27, 2021
Wasn’t an anti vax response. You’re so stuck on being right that you’re missing the point.


St • Aug 26, 2021
None of those things kill other people, so a false equivalence. There is no logical ground for an antivax position to stand on, so don’t even try.


Posted at
Most of the people who against are going based off proven research that the media and and government are purposely hiding and censoring there is a lot of doctors and medical teams that have done the studies and research that show there is a-lot of bad in this experimental vaccine. It’s not conspiracy or exaggerated data it’s facts. The censorship is real right now and should absolutely be 100 someone’s choice when have they ever done something like this for the flu or forced it on people or gave incentives for a vaccine? If your for it makes no difference to me nor do I think any less of anyone for it. my in laws are and are vaccinated me and my kids are not and will not be sadly my husband ha no choice as he is active duty and there is no way to fight it so he will be vaccinated against our wishes or he will be kicked out. I just think everyone needs to respect everyone’s wishes. Just my opinion 🤷🏼‍♀️


Autumn • Aug 27, 2021


Kim * Army wife 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👼🤰* • Aug 27, 2021
Hahah sure buddy 👌🏻👌🏻


St • Aug 27, 2021
Definitely hard to copy and paste something that doesn’t exist, I feel you


Posted at
No, I love seeing people exercise their freedom of speech and medical freedom and discuss why they choose to do what they do. Even if I don't agree with it.


Posted at
I think it’s gone gone too far on social media especially with conspiracy theories everywhere right now. I find it very sad and disheartening that my country is making it a political thing rather than a medical thing. Trust the doctors. Have questions, ask your personal doctor and take their advice. Currently this week, my husbands job has one man that just passed away and 2 others on ventilators due to covid. They weren’t vaccinated. One of them has a 4 year old and a 2 month old at home. They don’t believe he will make it which is absolutely heartbreaking. His wife is now advocating for people to get vaccinated since this was a healthy 34 year old man with no underlying conditions. We are in a pandemic. This isn’t political. This needs to stop since it’s becoming a war. This should be making us come together and do what’s right for the safety of the entire world. People need to stop being selfish and until they do - places may mandate the vaccine.


Posted at
I agree that getting vaccinated or not should be a choice, but I dont think people should be harassed about their choice. I finally got my first dose about a week ago. We wernt planning on it but with rising cases of the unvaccinated and my daughter starting school this year we got it so we can stay healthy enough to take care of our family if she brings something home. Some of my husband's family is refusing to get it and we might have to stop seeing them for a while. Anyway it's everyone's choice to get it or not but it's also a businesses choice to not allow unvaccinated people inside 🤷‍♀️