Am I miscarrying? Do I still have a chance?

Mimi • Baby boy born in April 2020 👶🏼 loss in 2021 👼🏼 rainbow baby coming in 2022 🌈

Hey all,

I’m about 7 weeks along and last night I had some blood in my underwear when I went to the bathroom and when I wiped there was some red blood.

I called my doctor and she said there’s nothing we can do but wait it out. She said it’s fairly common to bleed a bit at this stage of pregnancy, so I shouldn’t be too worried just yet. But it’s definitely possible that this will end up in a miscarriage. She said the good news is that I’ve had really strong symptoms this pregnancy, although no pregnancy is ever a sure thing.

Anyway, this morning I had a bit of blood on my panty liner, and when I went to the bathroom I had a big gush of brown blood… no more red. And no clotting.

Has anyone else experienced something like this? I have no major cramping yet… do miscarriages come on slowly or do they usually hit you very suddenly?

Thanks for the help!