Constipation TMI


Girls what are you doing for constipation? I don't really want to take medications or anything... I've been put on iron tablets and I took one three days ago and hadn't been able to 💩 since... I woke up last night in agony like I had a serious bowel blockage or something... I almost took myself off to the hospital 😖😖😖 I'm 33w and this is honestly getting out of hand, I can't even walk I'm in so much pain.

I'm maybe taking 1 iron tablet a week if lucky (I'm supposed to be taking 7) because I just cannot handle taking any more. My fibre intake is massive (vegan so basically everything is fibre 😂) and my protein and iron intake is good but evidently I need more iron... I've been drinking more fluids than I'm comfortable to but I know all these things will help move things along but I am just in agony 😖😖😖

I'm thinking of going and getting some prune juice and chugging a whole bottle today and getting some dried fruit as well. Is there any magic foods or supplements you have found that work (p.s. I'm in Australia, lots of US brand name products we don't have here!)

Did anyone end up needing medical intervention for constipation and at what point did you call it and go to the hospital? I'm obviously wanting to do everything I can to keep bub in there growing along for another at least 5 weeks if not the full 7 but the midwives have been saying if my pain is so extreme that I can't walk they will want to induce me.

I'm also battling SPD and severe sciatica as well, the whole pelvic region is basically being torn to shreds 😖😖😖