TTC sucks! and TTC with PCOS is pure hell. Cycle 2 of clomid and not once have I had so much as a positive opk or anything close to one nit on a cheapie or digital. Meanwhile I'm having every symptom in the book. I cant do this anymore it's been almost 5 years 3 not actively try but not preventing and 1 trying naturally. here I am now trying with help and the results are the same. Nothing!! and literally ever fucking one around me is getting pregnant the ones giving it their all to avoid it are getting pregnant and I'm killing myself to make it happen. What the Hell is wrong with me does my body not work? I'm beginning to think it's never going to happen. I have a 3 week old nephew at home and every time I see him or hold him my heart breaks a little more and my longing increases. my best friend has a 4 month old baby and I just found out there's yet another baby on the way in my family. why cant it be me? I'm falling apart inside. 💔💔😔😔☹🙁☹