am i losing my friends - pls help

it’s our senior year in college and I just don’t feel like I fit in anymore. there are many occasions where I feel like they are not real friends. I think today was a breaking point for me- my friends love to go out and drink at the bars. I don’t mind it, I have started to like it less over the years and especially after covid, but i’ll go out and have fun. we went out last night, agreed not to go out tonight and to just stay in and watch a movie together. they changed their mind and begged me to go with them - no, not begged, basically forced. they always find ways to try and guilt me into it like “it’s our senior year we have to” and “you’re leaving to see your boyfriend tomorrow so you have to”. coming in my room and saying “start doing your hair we’re going”. all of the sudden they say having a movie night sounds boring to them. so, after saying no many times and finally giving in, we get to the bar and I told them I don’t feel like drinking and they keep pushing me to drink. I start getting irritable and snappy. my one friend is so immature and is running around talking, touching, and dancing with everyone in a really sloppy and annoying way. she begs guys for drinks, and gets guys numbers and flirts with guys when she has a boyfriend. I tell them i’m going to leave on my own but they don’t let me cause i’m not allowed to stray from them so I had to pretend to have fun and hold back tears the entire night - mostly because I don’t really feel like they are real friends anymore. I went because I don’t want them to talk about me behind my back. and they wonder why I hang out with my boyfriend a lot - maybe it’s because he doesn’t pressure me into doing things I don’t want to do and understands me as a person. I don’t know. I don’t fit in with them anymore and I want new friends. I feel I have changed over the years and they haven’t. I am not like I was my freshman year anymore. I just need some advice.