Breaking down


I hate this TTC process. So many women out there get pregnant instantly and act like it was no big deal. Like they just decided one day having a baby would be cool, so they stopped birth control and bam, pregnant. I just had a chemical a week ago and I'm wrecked. My doctor tried to reassure me that I would be fine, and that I would be pregnant again in no time. Right. How many women are promised that and end up wasting away for years with no success? Chemical after chemical. BFN after BFN. I have completely lost my appetite and am losing weight at a rapid clip. I was a healthy weight before so this is not desired. I just can't seem to stomach most things. Even food that used to appeal to me greatly. I choke down a few bites and then give up. It's a battle to eat anything other than coffee, bland toast/crackers and a few bits of cheese. I've been rejecting every dinner my husband prepares and had to take home most of my entre from our favorite restaurant...only to avoid eating it later. It feels like I'm dying. Like I've been poisoned.