why does this bother me?


my boyfriend will not touch for sexually since we were in the hospital.

i had my son 13 weeks premature due to PROM. I’m 34 weeks today. So i’m thankful we made it this far but at 33w1d we were in OB ER due to contractions 2-6m apart and i’m dilated/effaced but still super thick. The midwife told us no sex but yesterday at my doctors appointment she cleared us to anything because she’s not concerned with how long my cervix is and at this point she is very happy with how far we have made it. She also stated that some women are dilated this early and still need to be induced.

He made a comment that he will not touch me until 36 because he doesn’t want her here yet because he has stuff he has to do around the house like outside work which i understand. And i understand the fear but it made me truly feel like he could careless about being intimate and he’s more worried about other things. Maybe it’s just my pregnancy hormones but i’m like taking it very hard and couldn’t sleep over it.