Advice I wish I would’ve known

Girls I just want to share with you my experience dating as a teen in hopes this helps someone else. I was with a guy for 9 months. I thought I was in love with this guy we wanted kids someday and all of it. In the beginning everything was good and we were happy. Slowly tho he would say things when I would do something or talk to someone. He would call me names all the time he would call me a hoe, a slut, a pos. I let those things get to me and wouldn’t tell anyone slowly I let him mentally breaking me down affect me physically I would stop eating, I would take weight loss drinks. I felt sad that I even gained weight I went from size 0 to size 2. I hated myself and he would keep calling me more names. To me I thought it would all be fine we were happy. I kept my mouth shut and everytime someone would say something bad I never opened my mouth I never spoke up. I let his words affect me so bad mentally that I wanted to die and tried multiple times. I felt hopeless with him. I felt worthless. He knew I attempted suicide and said he was sorry. He said he didn’t mean what he said and I believed him. It only got worse the verbal abuse got worse. I’m not saying this as a feel sorry for me story. I say this as a watch out story, I thought this abuse was normal. I thought I could hide what was going on as long as I kept my mouth shut things would get better news flash is they don’t. So if you feel like I did get out of that relationship find someone who loves you and wouldn’t dare ever lay a hand on you or dare say a hurtful thing to you. Don’t stay don’t wait for things to maybe get better like I did