

Short back story ladies. My husband and I have been together for a few years and he never wore a condom during sex, I was on the pill then ended up severely depressed. I started antidepressants and anti anxiety medication and was pregnant 6 weeks later. We now have a 5 month old baby girl and my heart stopped during my emergency csection (after 21 hours of labor) and now I have an irrational fear of getting pregnant again.

At my 6 week PP exam my doctor asked if I thought about birth control. I got an IUD a month later and my husband got his vasectomy 2 weeks after my IUD placement. The doctor never checked to see if my IUD was even in the right place, they just told me to wait a week before sex and 4 weeks before unprotected sex. 5 weeks after his vasectomy the doctor told him that he’s all good and he didn’t see any sperm in his semen. I wanted to keep the IUD but about a week later I started cramping and figured I’d check my IUD strings to make sure it hadn’t migrated and it was completely out of my uterus and cervix and just sitting in my vagina.

I keep hearing about vasectomy horror stories and I wanted some input. Should I worry about pregnancy?? or should I take his urologist’s word that he’s good to go???

(We’ve been having “unprotected sex” for about 3 weeks now and for some reason I randomly get this panicked feeling that I should be worried about pregnancy).