Tips to get breastfed baby taking bottle?


My little one has recently decided she is not going to take a bottle anymore. She’s breastfed, but we’ve been having my SO give her a bottle day since birth (she had to be supplemented with formula at first as a premie, but after 3 days her sugar levels normalized and my milk came in so we switched her bottles to pumped milk.)

She had no problem taking a bottle until a couple weeks ago when it was like a flip switched and she started absolutely refusing. We didn’t change anything, she just all of sudden refused. The timing is less than stellar since I’m about to go back to work and my SO is a stay at home dad. Luckily, I’m working from home for at least a couple months due to construction at our office but after that she’s going to need to take a bottle.

We’ve kept trying to give her a bottle every day, but it just pisses her off. We’ve tried different bottles, different nipples, holding her differently, offering the bottle before the breast, offering the bottle after the breast, offering freshly pumped milk instead of milk heated from the fridge.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated! We’re out of ideas!