First fertility appointment! Stories?

Finally had my first appointment with a fertility specialist after a year of trying with no luck, a nightmare month with metformin, and a referral from my super supportive obgyn. We talked through the options available and mine and my husband's history. I have PCOS and suspected endo, with irregular periods and no clear positive ovulation tests throughout this process. Going to have bloodwork done once my next period starts and hubs is going to have a semen analysis done, and my doctor talked about doing a scan to see if my tubes are open, then if all is well we are going to talk more about meds and doing timed intercourse/<a href="">IUI</a>!

Would love to hear your stories and any words of advice you might have!! How long did you try naturally before starting clomid with timed intercourse/<a href="">IUI</a>? How many cycles of clomid or other fertility meds did you/have you gone through before a positive? Would love to hear other experiences! I am so nervous and excited to continue this journey!! Best of luck to all who are still TTC 💕