Stressed! Prayers Please!


Went to my normal OB appointment today and my blood pressure was 157 and then rechecked and it was 146. My doctor sent me to the hospital for labs and monitoring (did this 2 weeks ago too). They diagnosed me with gestational hypertension and my labs came back from last time and I also have gestational diabetes! 😫😢

I have to check my sugars 4X a day. Doctor is starting me on LABETALOL for BP. Praying I can control my sugars without Insulin. Also have to do NST twice a week until delivery.

We are 32 weeks and will be delivering at 37 weeks via Cesarean on 10/11. Prayers for safety for baby Ezekial and I!!

Baby looks great on ultrasound and monitors and is weighing in at 4lbs 8oz. so that gives me relief. 💙