Husband giving up


So a little back story we have been together since 2008 and married in 2012. I thought that after we got married things would be different. We were both our 1sts. I was not really a sexual person. I would turn down my husband and now its all my fault. Now its basically he will not he affectionate towards me, he told me that if i want sex we will just do it. I dont feel sexy and if i try to be he doesnt seem to care anymore. He is very strong willed. We have a almost 2.5 year and and want to to try for another. I had a mc jan of this year and im taking clomid and provera.

We have talked and basically if i try to be sexy i will be disappointed because he doesnt care anymore he got turned down so many times i dont blame him. I honestly feel alone and not loved. Im already depressed and this is weighing on my shoulders every day.

I honestly dont know what to do. I know he wont do counseling. I am litterly crying as im writting this post. We had toys but he threw them all away eariler this year. As he says he has a cold heart.

All i want is to feel loved. Hearing the words i love you and giving me a hug would mean a lot.. i guess i better put my big girl pants on cuz i can feel all the negative comments comming from this...