The birth of Oliver


On the 17th of July I woke up at 2:30 am with bad back pain. At first I thought it was just normal pains, but I realised the pain was coming and going. The contractions were around 10 minutes apart, not too bad but painful enough to keep me awake. I eventually went into hospital at 12:30am the next day when my contractions became so unbearable. I hadn’t slept since 2:30am the day prior so I was exhausted too. When I get there they tell me I’m 5cm dilated. After I’m admitted I get the sterile water injections and they hurt way more than the contractions I was having at the time. They also didn’t help my pain at all.

After 4 hours I’m checked again and still only 5cm. Another 4 hours go by and I’m still a 5, so they break my waters. Shortly after I cave and get the epidural, which worked so well. I could still feel my contractions, they just felt like tightening with zero pain. After another 4 hours I still hadn’t progressed at all. They put me on pitocin and I went from 5-10cm so quick. It had only been 30 minutes on pitocin when I started feeling pain in my lower back again. After about another 30 minutes the pain was so bad and I was nearly screaming. I kept pushing the button to up my epidural meds but it wasn’t helping at all. My midwife decided to check my cervix even though it only been an hour since my last exam. She said she didn’t think baby was coming but that “stranger things have happened”. Turns out baby was indeed on his way out. After 20 minutes of pushing he was finally born. It turns out the reason I wasn’t progressing was because he was posterior (sunny side up).

Oliver Jude was born on the 18th of July at 3:16pm weighing 8lbs 12oz with a HUGE head (95th percentile. Definitely felt that)

He is 8 weeks old today, and this is him now.