FTM Question


I’m currently 35.2 weeks pregnant. Last night I was really uncomfortable with a dull ache and some cramping (not consistent) in my abdomen all night, almost like I had to go poop and/or throw up. I was having a lot of pressure in my pelvic area so I thought I had to pee about 7 times last night but didn’t really. The pressure has increased today and I’ve had loose stool/diarrhea about 4 times since I’ve woken up along with nausea, feeling weak and crappy overall, and a slight headache. I had a growth scan at 33 weeks and baby was head down and already over 5 pounds and I noticed today where he normally sticks his butt out is about 2 inches lower than normal. I’ve also had an increase in Braxton hicks the last week (I’ve been having them for almost 2 months now) I’m trying to take it easy and drink lots of water, but is this something I should keep an eye on? I’m not sure if this means labor might be nearing this week or next. Any moms experience anything similar or have any advice?