Am I hormonal/overreacting or is he being ridiculous - update

I just had a baby a week ago and am feeling pretty baby blue-ish (just extreme emotions from super happy to weepy) as well as extreme exhaustion because I’m up every 30-60 minutes between the newborn and toddler who is adjusting yet. So I’m not sure if I’m just being extra hormonal.

My partner doesn’t live with us, and is sick right now, so we haven’t seen him since last Thursday when we got home from the hospital. He has only checked in once in that time but I’ve been trying to keep him updated despite the fact that I don’t have time to even pee when I need to half the time and haven’t managed a shower in 5 days.

Last night, I got both kids to sleep and was laying there blissfully happy loving my boys and ready to get some sleep myself. I quick sent off some pictures from the day to my partner though.

This is the response I got

Now backstory: one of my sons red crayons got mixed into a load of laundry and destroyed his white onesies with pink spots. I couldn’t get them out so I decided to tie dye them. My son HAS to wear a onesie or he rips off his diapers.

At the time, my partner wasn’t working. I was living off $200/month and behind on every bill. Trying to prep for a new baby. I already had the dye so figured I would just do that rather than buy new onesies when I couldn’t even buy toilet paper 🤦‍♀️ he obviously wasn’t buying anything for either of our children because he had no income at all.

After I dyed them, I asked dad if he liked them and he said no and wanted to know who bought them for him. I said I made them and explained the red crayon tragedy. He said “well they just aren’t his colors.” And that was the end of the discussion. I use them as pajamas on hot nights or as outside play clothes because they hide stains.

So now, I finally had both kids down at the same time last night and just wanted to bawl because of his response. I couldn’t sleep because I kept thinking about what I wanted to write in an angry response. Instead just decided I won’t waste my time sending photos or updates anymore if I’m going to get criticized (and he’s going to say MY son when he sees him one day a week or less, he’s OUR son).

I have no idea if or what I should respond. He hasn’t even asked once how I am in the last week after giving birth and then he throws that at me.

***just want to edit to add that he’s literally never spoken to me like this before, so I was shocked to get that

*** update

He apologized a half ass apology late last night but then deleted it when I hadn’t read it yet by this morning. I didn’t need respond because he’s apologizing for the wrong thing. He needed to apologize for how he spoke to me. But only apologized that he saw the color wrong supposedly

Last night

Woke up to this

*** update again

It’s been 3 days now and he hasn’t messaged once since deleting the message, while I take care of our 10 day old baby and 2 year old alone.