In love with my "Manny"

So I went looking for a nanny and most of them just didn't match well with my kids. My son has a lot of anger issues and was really mean. I was nervous about having a man watch my children, especially with 2 year old girl twins at the time. But he vibed so we'll with my son. He's been my Manny for 3 years. My son is 13 now and because of him he's went from mean and angry to the nicest sweetest boy ever and me and their nanny have gotten close. He's become more than a Manny. He's become a friend to our family. My girls love him and he's become such an amazing mentor to my son. If my son comes home upset from school he's the first person he goes to. He embraces my son showing emotions and crying. When my mom died he comforted me and even took me out to eat. When I lost my job and couldn't pay him, he still stayed and even went to get side jobs to help us with bills. He loves my children and I've fallen for him. I honestly thought we were gonna kiss because we were talking about something deep. He told me about his home life and how he was abused and then sexually abused at 7 by his 18 year old female babysitter. He also said because of a serious injury from a motorcycle accident when he was 19 he can't have children so being a nanny is the next best thing. I told him how strong of a person he is and he will have kids one day one way or another, and he said he considers my kids as his own. We just smiled at each other... And I did think we were gonna kiss but my son was screaming saying he got his penis caught in his zipper... So there went that moment.... Should I pursue him?