Fwb gone wrong


I recently moved to college and found someone I really enjoy being around. We decided we were just going to be friends but then still continued to… ya know. We decided there would be no feelings until he started telling me he could see himself falling in love with me and wanting to date me. We went to a party a few days after and once he was drunk the whole truth came out. The girl that “he was flirting with to see if I got jealous so he knew I liked him” was being told the same lies. She is saving herself and I am not. He was using me for sex and convincing me I had feelings for him to keep having sex with me while he really only liked the other girl. The friend group I’m in decided to still be friends with him just not as close (we are scared to show our emotions or thoughts in fear that he will use them against us). I don’t have feelings for him but the other girl clearly does and it is bringing a weird dynamic into the group. Is it right to keep being his friend or should I end communication with him? A