I didn't think he would cry!

I feel guilty now and don't know what to do.... I gave a best friend and I'm dating her younger brother. He's 2 years younger. She's really close with her brother and honestly didn't want me dating him. But we've been together 7 months. I am currently living with them because I got kicked out of my parents house. Me and my best friend have been fighting more and I expect my boyfriend to take my side. If we plan on getting married he needs to be on my side. So... I went through my boyfriends phone and found text messages between him and his sister talking about them both being sexually abused by their step dad. I didn't bring it up. Me and my best friend got into a fight because I used her car and forgot to put gas in it and she said she's gonna be late for work now and she can't drive yet brothers because it's a stick shift. I told her I was sorry but that wasn't enough and she said she's done with me living here because I'm inconsiderate and don't think about anyone but myself. My boyfriend was trying to calm everything down but she told me to leave or she will have me escorted out. Well... I got so mad and I wasn't thinking and said to my boyfriend "You want to take her side when she talks about you behind your back. She told me about you being molested and talks about how she can't stand you all the time!" This wasn't true. I was expecting him to get mad and take my side but he started crying and ran outside and drove off in his car... My best friend tried telling him it wasn't true but he didn't listen... Now this is an even bigger mess...