Am I wrong to be annoyed? I feel invaded

So, my partner and I are both adults. He is 23, I’m 21 with a four year old son from a previous relationship. My partner is amazing with my son!

However, my partners Mom asked if I was on birth control. I didn’t like it at all that she asked. 1) because it is my body, my choice. She then implied that I should be on birth control. 2) because her and my partner aren’t at all that close. They see eachother say once a month because they don’t get along. I felt it was none of her business what I do with my body.

I am very sensitive when it comes to things like that, my body my choice. Because when I was 11 years old I was raped, over a course of 6 months. His mom knows this, as she has been raped herself. So I felt a bit invaded as an adult that she’d ask me that because we’re not children, we’re not stupid and at the ages of 23 and 21 we are old enough. I’m also about to graduate as a fully qualified teacher.

His mom has also been toxic, a year into the relationship calling me my partners exes name. Like we had been together a year. Enough time to get used to my name. No one has anything to do with his exes (rightly fucking so) so it was intentional.

Not only that, she had called my son a big head. He was 3 years old at the time with ASD. Infuriated me a hell of a lot. She also tries to get involved with our personal stuff like following us around when we try to make a phone call as a couple etc.

She’s also very materialistic - she phones my partner quite a lot requesting that he buys her things and takes her out. She also compares what he buys his step mom compared to what he buys her to make him feel shit. Life isn’t about gifts 🎁

Idk the point but I just want opinions on this really