The Wilks Twins

Annelise • Mom of 5

Last night was my turn. At 33 weeks 1 day. My husband, daughter and friend of our went out for dinner down the street from my house. Once our food got to our table my contractions were getting a little worse and I couldn’t eat much but I felt okay. By the time my husband and friend finished their meals and I boxed mine up I told them I needed to go to the hospital. My friend drove us to the hospital and dropped my daughter off to my mom. We got to the hospital a little after 7:40pm. My contractions were so bad they skipped triage and got me into a room.

The OB did a quick cervical exam and said I was 6 almost 7cm dilated. After checking to make sure the babies were head down and not distressed they wheeled me to the OR. Quickly got an IV in me incase of an emergency. Which I was not happy about because the contractions were so bad last thing I wanted was an IV lol. My husband was in the OR holding my hand and trying to stay out of everyone’s was. That was super overwhelming having an OB and like 6 nurses. Anesthesiologist (I think that’s the right term) came in and asked if I wanted an epidural I told them no and no one pressured me otherwise which was nice. Must’ve been 8:20 when I was asked if they wanted me to have them break my water to speed things up. I was cussing cause of the pain 😅 I remember asking “are you sure you can’t stop labor like last time” lmao. Anyways I declined and at 8:37pm I pushed baby A out. The water barely broke as he came out, almost born in the sac lol. 9 min later at 8:46pm I pushed baby B out but his water exploded before he came out. Baby A I only got to hold for a minute cause they didn’t know how quickly baby b would come.

I got to hold baby B for a little bit longer before they started examining. Both babies were taken to nicu but I was told they were doing good. I had to recover for an hour or so in labor an delivery while my babies were already in our nicu room. I recovered pretty quickly honestly. I was up and moving around by the time the got my in the nicu. Baby B was immediately put on c pap but is getting room oxygen. They just wanted to make it easier for the baby to breath and not struggle. Baby A was originally not on c pap and I got to hold them first. But In the early morning baby a was having a hard time breathing so they are now on c pap with room oxygen. Both babies are doing great tho and started their feedings with donor milk until my supply comes in. I was told expect them to be here until their due date 😪 but that there’s always a chance they can come hole before that as long as the graduate from all the requirements. I know this is going to be a long and at times stressful journey but I’m just grateful that they are doing so well considering how early they came.

Baby A aka Arlo Ryatt weighed 4lb 12oz and is 17.32in b

Baby B aka Archie Ryland weighed 4lb 7oz