tell me you have a self centered toxic mother in law without telling me you have a self centered mother in law!!


warning long post!!!

tell me you have a self centered toxic mother in law without telling me you have a self centered mother in law!!

so my original baby shower date was scheduled for 9/11 after my brother-in-law & his wife (Alyssa) tested positive, we then decided to push the shower back until this Saturday 9/18 but now my mother in law tested positive on 9/12…

After talking with my sister-in-law (who is the one planning/throwing the shower to begin with)we decided that it’s not a good idea to push the shower back yet another week because I’m already 35 weeks pregnant and ready to get things organized, prepared and ready for baby girls arrival with having a few weeks to relax and enjoy my time with my husband before becoming a family of 3.

So we decided on a drive by shower where people can shower and show us love still and that way we don’t have to worry about anyone getting exposed to covid especially me being pregnant.

Well I get text from my MIL saying the shower will be on the 25th. I kindly tell her that me and Alyssa already discussed that we will be doing a drive by shower that we do not want to push the shower out yet again week due to be already being 35 weeks.

and she literally threw a fit. I feel like this shower is what she wants, not me and my husband. Im sorry I don’t want to catch covid and also give myself time to get organized and prepared. I was being so nice with my responses when really I wanted to be just as bitchy as she was!!! Someone tell me if I’m over reacting!!! I feel like she’s being inconsiderate of wanting to risk exposing others of covid and not seeing my point of things.

I should add she tried to keep it as a normal shower which was at a public park where I’m sure other families was gonna be and just told my husband she will wear a mask and keep her distance from everyone that as long as she doesn’t have a fever she isnt contagious. I said covid doesn’t work that way and I will not be there if we keep it as a normal shower.

She is just being very inconsiderate I feel and maybe I’m the one overreacting but at the same time she choose to stay in a covid positive house when she had the option to leave. I don’t even see why she is wanting to risk me getting sick especially this close to labor.

text messages are from that Tuesday before the before the drive by baby shower.

Facebook status is what she posted 9/18 (today) it comes time for the drive by shower…. HIS MOM WHO JUST TESTED POSITIVE FOR COVID 7 days ago… COMES WALKING UP IN MY HOUSE!!!!


I give my husband the “you better tell her to leave look”

I walk off into my bedroom and refuse to leave my room until she left. I was not gonna expose myself.. she was the reason why we changed it to a drive by shower. THEN SHE HAS THE NERVE TO POST AND TALK SHIT ABOUT ME LIKE IM THE BAD GUY!! Like excuse the hell outta me for wanting to stay clear of covid.

I have never once been rude to this girl either. I always sent her updates, pictures, videos. Heck I even send her a picture of my bump just yesterday but I’m bringing rude? Called after every appointment. I have had made every attempt to keep her involved.

She then made a comment that says “I my grand babies. No love lost” (talking about her other sons kids.)

That literally just proved my point that you clearly don’t give a damn about me, YOUR son or your unborn grand daughter. Seriously screw you at this point!!!

I don’t remotely see how she thinks this is okay!!!

and I don’t even work in a drs office. I work in a pediatric rehabilitation office. no sick kids come in and we temp check and are required to ask/make families put a mask on so again, screw you!! All I was/am trying to do is keep me and my unborn child safe. sorry if that’s being rude.

no it was rude and disrespectful of you to show up to @ my house unannounced knowing you had a positive covid test Saturday. just goes to prove how inconsiderate you are. anyways sorry for the long post/rant but I had to let it out. I’ve generally really upset at her comments. I feel like I didn’t do anything wrong!’

LIKE EXCUSE ME WHAT?! I need to grow up, you’re a grown ass adult acting like a child. You have covid. All I was doing was protecting myself from getting covid. How fucking selfish can one be? 🤷🏻‍♀️