Sleep training FAILURE


My son is 7months and he’s my third child. My first children were great sleepers. Half good luck and half sleep training. I never gave into them with bad habits.

My son however is a different story, he had really bad tongue tie so would feed on me non stop for hours and hours without getting enough sustenance. After 4 miserable months they cut his tongue tie and his feeding greatly improved. However his desire to be with any one but me don’t change. He only wants to sleep on me and if I put him down he’ll scream non stop. He doesn’t go to anyone else even my husband, he won’t take w bottle, nothing makes me happy unless he’s got ahold of me. I’m exhausted I’m getting so much pressure to sleep train him but it’s not working ! He keeps waking and I’m exhausted from trying and the constant negative comments from my in laws and some so called friends.

Any advice or tips I would greatly appreciate!!