Weight while breastfeeding


Any other mamas struggle to actually LOSE weight while breastfeeding??? ebf/pumping for 9 months, we're moving onto formula now & I'm hoping now I can focus on losing weight. This entire time my body has held onto the weight & no matter how good I eat I still cannot lose the weight (I don't exercise like crazy but I do walk for at least a half hour a day!) & I try to eat the best I can & to make sure I eat enough to produce milk for pumping. I think we've fully weaned & now I'm only pumping a total of roughly 4oz twice a day (this morning I only pumped 2oz total, trying to hold off). I'm ready to have my body back & she is doing great finally, now I need help losing weight! I don't want to lose all of the weight but 50lbs would help a ton!!! I've had 6 kiddos within 10 years. I had my 1st at 17, I was 120lbs 5'7, now I'm 27 (28 in October & 230). I've been doing really good this month with walking, but while breastfeeding it was hard to do much else bc she wanted to nurse often so now I'm wanting to lift & such! I mainly want to lose my belly fat! Helpppp