Passing out or just falling asleep

Has anyone else experienced this. Last night my heart rate was high I was dizzy lightheaded and weak. I was also super exhausted and kept falling asleep. I had to put dinner away and went to stand up when I did I fell right back down and woke up on the ground. Now I remember falling backdown onto my blanket that was on the floor (the floor was cold and sometimes it helps me when my heart rate is high or I’m super hot) I say I feel back asleep but thinking about it now I’m wondering if maybe a passed out. It happened super fast and all of last night was a blur because it was just me going in and out of sleep and fighting my body to get up so I could put the food away. I’ve never passed out unless it was after getting a shot/blood taken (my body hates needles and freaks out) or when I got my concussion a few years ago. Which is why I just call it sleep when it happens. I don’t wanna called it something it’s not. I would just like to know if anyone else has experienced this and if so how did you find out or know the difference between falling asleep from exhaustion and passing out.