This pisses me off

Chrissy • ❤️

I hate it when people expect you to respect or be nice to someone if they have opposing political views. You support trump? Gtfo. Homophobic, Transphobic, etc.? 👉🏾🚪. Xenophobic? Exit. You will be receiving a hard side eye from me. I refuse to sit up here and act like I wanna be best friends with someone that believes racism doesn’t exist anymore. I’m not about that life. If someone wants to better educate themselves and is ignorant about racism and police brutality, I will gladly give them recommendations on youtubers, maybe answer a few questions myself, or tell them to check out this AMAZING search engine called Google. It’s different when I’m around a conservative that just wants to stay ignorant. I’m not gonna try to be nice and try to educate you. Conservatives don’t listen anyway. Off rip i’m cussing you out if you open your mouth and say something stupid. No shocked faces.. nothing. Keep them lips closed. I don’t see enough people cussing ignorant people out. I’m sick of being expected to tolerate people’s stupidity.