My husband's last words....

An update on my husband's larynx removal. It was a success and he's healing up. Those that dont know my husband was battling cancer and had to get his larynx removed... He's 25 and hus voice isn't the only thing he's lost. His step mom was so abusive and left him partially deaf and he lost an ex because his step mom refused to get his infection treated and it was a staff infection so he wears in eye patch... Now his voice. My husband is the most selfless person ever. I cried hearing his trauma and he comforted me. Well before he went in he last words were "I love you" and "I have a man crush on Denzil Washington". I laughed... There he is again.... Trying to make me laugh when he is the one in pain. Im planning on going back to community college and we can both major in sign language.