Lines not getting darker ):

Bee • Mommy™️, mother of two, fiancée, Baby 3 due 6/8, its a girl! 💗💗💗

So, the first day of my last period was August 12th. I was about 14-15 days late for my period and only just got a FAINT positive on Sunday. I was testing a lot before that, starting at 4 days late, and getting many negatives.

So Sunday, first positive. Then another faint positive. Two more positives the next day(Monday), one a faint line and the other a digital.

Today (Wednesday) I went to a women’s care center for confirmation and it was ANOTHER faint line, barely could see it at all. I thought hcg doubled every 48 or so hours?

The counselor said she thinks I’m just really early, but even then, shouldn’t it be getting darker? They took be for an ultrasound and they didn’t see anything (it was over the belly, not transvaginal) but they could see that the lining was getting thicker which happens in very early pregnancy.

Could I be losing the baby? Or having a tubal pregnancy? No doctor will see me until late October so I’m afraid if I miscarry it won’t even be recorded with a doctor until I’m in the ER.