Ovulation delay? *possible TW for ED*

*I have a very regular 27-28 day cycle, as long as I’ve been tracking (6 months) I’ve always gotten my peak on cycle day 10/11, I’m now CD 12 & my ovulation tests are just as faint since I started tracking at CD 8 so I know I haven’t missed my peak, but it’s just off that I’m CD 12, predicted ovulation tomorrow, and no sign of these tests getting darker at the moment. Side note: last year I had an eating disorder, very bad iron deficiency, and a nutrient deficiency in general due to the eating disorder. I was vegetarian, and I began eating lean red meat again in January of this year, as well as getting back on track with eating more than 1 meal a day. March I got pre-conception bloodwork with my OBGYN & all of my hormone levels were perfect! April, may, June I was still having rough days but progressing. July & August I began taking my health & eating very seriously & I have been clean eating since July! I also started vitamins in July as well. Since January I’ve gained 19LBS back & now in September I feel amazing. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that this slight ovulation delay means my eggs are healthy again & my body is taking time to mature this cycles egg. This is the only explanation I can come up with, I’ve had bloodwork, I always have had regular cycles. I’ve read that ‘what you do today will effect your eggs in 90 days’ due to the timeline the follicles are on, if this is the case it’s been 90 days since I’ve been clean healthy eating & taking a prenatal! I’m no doctor so I can’t back this up, it’s just a theory I’m having at the moment because I am frazzled that typically I’d be ovulating at this point in my cycle & the tests are soo faint. Anyone else out there with a similar situation? First pic was cycle day 11 last cycle, second pic is from today cycle day 12. -also, we took a break from trying in July & August and started back up in September. With a 27-28 day cycle typical ovulation day would be day 14/15, I have a feeling my body was prematurely releasing eggs that were not good quality.