Painful Urination 3 weeks postpartum-help

#oneblessedmomma • Due 9/13/21! Married 8 years to the love of my life! Mommy to the most precious 4 year old ♥️

I’m 3 weeks post partum and feel like everyday it hurts more and more when I pee. It doesn’t feel like a typical uti (pressure in my lower abdomen) but what it does feel like it’s like tears in my vagina that sting when the pee comes out. Usually my uti’s hurt near the end of my pee. I did have an epidural and catheter and wondering if it’s just general swollen ness and recovery?? This is my second baby but with my first I had stitches and everything hurt terribly so I don’t know if this is normal or not.. thanks for you help!