7 week old…

I still don’t feel a connection with my 7 week old. I don’t feel a bond with him like I do with my 2 year old…

I’m considering asking my mom to adopt him. She’s “joked” before about keeping him. But I really don’t see myself doing it over again. I was supposed to be one & done. I know it’s my fault & I brought him into this world but idk, I can’t seem to enjoy him. I feel as if I was robbed of something. 🥺 I don’t know what to do. If it is post partum depression, I don’t want meds if it’ll just make me sleepy because I won’t be able to sleep anyway. I’m not exhausted either. I just genuinely don’t feel a connection, I think it’s because he has a different dad than my first born. He came from a hookup… so idk. Idk what to do. Lol