Blood clots after birth


I gave birth 8 days ago. Today I woke up and felt a gush of something coming down into my pad. As I start walking to the bathroom I saw blood all over the floor, finally took my pants off in the bathroom and saw bright red and lots of blood clots. That continued for about an hour. It was horrible. I than felt light headed and hot and decided to take a cold shower to cool down. After that the clots stopped but the bright red blood continued (wasn’t terrible). The baby fell asleep so I decided to take an hour nap. Had to pee and felt a big something come out of me, I was able to catch it and take a picture. This was the biggest blood clot that came out of me this whole time. Has this ever happened to any of you? Going to see my doctor tomorrow. I had to delivery my baby at 37 weeks due to preeclampsia so I’m not sure if this because of that. I don’t even know if this is normal. Any advice would be great thank you.